TECHNE call for papers

The call for papers for TECHNE | Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, SPECIAL ISSUE N.3, has just been launched by the Editorial Staff of the journal.

The call is reserved to the authors of the extended abstracts selected and published in the book edited by Claudio Gambardella for DADI_Press in the 2nd edition of Beyond All Limits – International Conference on Sustainability in Architecture, Planning, and Design. The TECHNE Editorial Staff has already sent an email to the corresponding authors about it.

Claudio Gambardella.
Coordinator for Integrative Scientific and Editorial Board Issue 03/2024 | Beyond All Limits

hybrid International Conference on Sustainability in Architecture, Planning, and Design

With the patronage of the European Commission
Representation in Italy

Ministero della Transizione Ecologica

With the patronage of  Regione Campania